About Me

I’m a frontend and backend ethusiast.

My Skills and Interests

As a programmer, I possess a diverse skill set, including but not limited to:

  • Front-end Development: I am proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and have extensive experience building user-friendly front-end interfaces across different platforms.

  • Back-end Development: I am skilled in multiple programming languages and frameworks, including Python, Go, Rust, and Django, for creating robust back-end systems.

  • Database: I have a deep understanding of database design and management, covering both SQL and NoSQL databases.

  • Team Collaboration: I excel at working in teams, collaborating closely with designers, project managers, and other developers to achieve project goals.

  • Continuous Learning: I believe that knowledge in the tech field is boundless, so I actively pursue continuous learning and regularly update my skills.


As a programmer, my journey has been filled with challenges and opportunities. I transformed from a computer enthusiast to a full-stack developer and entrepreneur. I have a deep love for the art of programming and relish the process of solving new problems and building innovative applications every day.

If you dream of becoming a programmer, don’t be afraid to take the first step. There are abundant resources and communities online to help you learn and grow. Most importantly, maintain your passion and curiosity for technology, keep striving, and you can find your path to success in this field. I hope my story inspires you to pursue your coding dreams.

You can also connect with me at the following social platforms: